Colonics > Colon FAQs
Colon therapy is not a cure, but it is a valuable procedure and treatment for a wide variety of different colon conditions. A toxic bowel is the source of many health problems. By stripping down the old, toxic mucus lining of the bowel, we remove the number one source of disease in the body.
In addition, we open up the bowel to a more efficient means of waste elimination and nutrient absorption, both of which are essential to any lasting healing process. This is also the first step toward normalizing the bowel so that the friendly bacterial will return to keep the colon safe from purification and further autointoxication.
It is significant that surgeons and physicians are beginning to understand the importance of bowel care in the prevention of disease.
After the gentle insertion of a small tube into the rectum, tubing carries the water in and wastes out in a gentle manner-no mess, no fuss, no odor - in fact, a very relaxing experience. Except for the insertion of the tube, you are completely covered during the entire procedure.
Rarely. Sometimes luring the procedure the muscles of the colon contract suddenly, expelling considerable liquid and waste into the rectum. The contraction may feel like damping or gas with pressure in the rectum. Most of the process is mild and gentle with a wonderfully light and empty feeling afterwards.
No. Actually, one of the benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy is that it hydrates the tissue which allows the muscles of the organ to perform properly.
Almost never. Many of us have ten or more pounds of impacted feces in our colon.
It took many years to create this toxic material and it takes time to remove the impacted feces from the colon wall. One cleansing will remove some and the second cleansing will remove more. Your individual condition will determine how many sessions you will need to have.
The helpful bacteria can only live in an alkaline environment. Most people, due to years of improper eating, lack of exercise, and poor elimination, have an acidic colon. So it's helpful to flush away the bacteria in an acidic colon. The great benefit of the cleansing program is to change the environment from acidic to alkaline.
Colon cleansing with colon hydrotherapy can help to relieve numerous ailments associated with the gastro-intestinal tract, such as: chronic abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, gas, stomach pain, indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel diseases, and various chronic bowel disorders.
Colon hydrotherapy can assist in relieving chronic back pain, shoulder pain, or aching joints; swelling legs; headaches & migraines; prostate trouble; sexual problems; chronic fatigue & lack of energy, the inability to achieve weight loss; and many other medical issues related to the gastro-intestinal tract.
Please ask how we can further your detoxification with a combination of massage, nutritional counseling, and other services available at our office. Call our office at 508-409-9882 to discuss a complete detoxification program that will fit your needs. Remember, the best time to begin taking a step toward better health is today.